About Us

Welcome to the official website for the City of Woodville, “the Dogwood Capital of Texas”.

Woodville is located deep in the Piney Woods of East Texas at the crossroads of three U.S. highways:  U.S. Highway 69, U.S. Highway 190, and U.S. 287.

Community Profile

Centrally located in Tyler County, Woodville's population in 2010 was 2,586.  There were 1,021 households reported, with a median household income of $32,827.

The area is rich in natural resources including oil, gas, timber and an abundant water supply.  Woodville offers a business climate conducive to success with a high quality lifestyle that is rich in heritage.  Boating, fishing, camping, seasonal hunting and other outdoor activities are available year round due to the mild climate, piney woods, lakes and proximity to the gulf coast.

History of Community

Woodville was established in 1846, when Tyler County was separated from Menard District.  The town was laid out on 200 acres in the forks of Turkey Creek that was donated to the county by Dr. Josiah Wheat.  The site was selected as the county seat by election and the town was named in honor of George T. Wood, who introduced the bill to establish the county and served as the second governor of Texas.  Woodville was incorporated in 1856.  The voters elected S. Hough mayor and N.A. Penland, P.A. Work, B.F. Ross and S.B. Johnson aldermen. 

In 1929, J.E. Wheat was elected mayor.  During his administration, the city levied taxes for the first time.  By 1934 a water system with a 200,000-gallon capacity was completed, and an $80,000 gas system was begun in 1938.  At the same time a volunteer fire department was established.

Annual Festival

As the "Dogwood Capital of Texas," Woodville hosts the annual Tyler County Dogwood Festival currently entering it's 75th year.

In 1938 James E. Wheat called a meeting of the state’s leading citizens near the Polk and Tyler County line hoping to enlist aid in promoting the completion of U.S. Highway 190.  His guests were so impressed with the natural beauty of East Texas that he hit upon the idea of an annual event that would focus attention on the area.  The first festival was held on April 6, 1940 before a crowd of approximately 300 people. 

The festival now spans three weekends beginning with the Festival of the Arts focusing on the arts, history and cultural heritage of the region.  Over 2,000 trailriders travel by horseback and wagon to  Woodville during Western Weekend in an effort to preserve the heritage of the East Texas cowboy and enjoy the region’s beauty.  The final weekend of the festival, known as the Queen’s weekend is celebrated with a beautiful pageant during which a queen is crowned and she and her court are entertained with a historical play about Tyler County.